Why is validating product sustainability claims important?
Validating product sustainability claims is essential for maintaining credibility, identifying areas for improvement, and building consumer trust and loyalty in supply chains. It ensures that products meet the standards set by the company and the industry, identifies shortcomings in sustainability practices, and contributes to more sustainable and responsible business practices. By verifying sustainability claims, companies can ensure that they are using materials for the future that can be sustained for generations to come.
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How can QIMA support?
QIMA provides specific lab testing services for brands and retailers to validate their product sustainability claims. We can verify the type of organic cotton used in beddings, the percentage of recycled polyester used in sustainable fashion labels, and whether the wool used in outdoor clothing brands comes from ethically raised sheep. Validating these claims is essential for building brand trust and customer loyalty. We offer a range of lab tests and certifications, such as chemical testing, durability testing, isotope testing, rPET testing, and cybersecurity certification. Contact us today to discover how we can assist you in achieving greater transparency and accountability in your supply chain. Our services include verifying your sustainability claims and tracking and calculating your product's carbon footprint throughout the entire supply network.
QIMA benefits
Custom compliance dashboard to assess real-time ESG and supplier performance, track progress and visualize your supply network
Data downloads to map against reporting standards to support companies’ communication strategies
In-depth local knowledge with auditors attuned to the culture, laws and practices of their region
Our experts receive regular training on regulations and best practice
Global coverage in over 100 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America
Continuous improvement approach drives long-term change and empowers suppliers to act
Online program management book audits, make payments and download detailed reports.